Property Report
Gain insights on an individual property to understand your buyer and seller needs. This comprehensive report includes recent sales, ownership details, and trends in the area, empowering you to make informed decisions with confidence.

Area & Street Report
Understand your surroundings with up-to-date buying and selling activity. This report includes ownership periods, age demographics, recent sales, average selling prices, and area trends, helping you target new opportunities effectively, all mapped to a heatmap of the area.

Estate and Sectional Scheme Report
Understand your Estate or Sectional Scheme with up-to-date buying and selling activity. This report includes ownership periods, recent sales, average selling prices, and property trends within the estate or Sectional Scheme, helping you identify new opportunities with precision.

Market Insights
Market Insights empowers you with a clear view of your market share in key areas, current listing activity, sales, and transfer trends. Stay ahead with data-driven insights to refine your strategy and grow your business.

LOOMinate your insights of a property with our LOOMinate report. Our leading property insights combined with a world leading visual property intelligence toolkit to generate accurate and comprehensive property valuation reports using Computer Vision, AI and data analytics to provide an unbiased quality and condition adjusted property valuations at scale.

API Gateway
Need to integrate or build your own reports? We have a fully documented API Library with data models you can leverage from. From granular data all through to advanced data and AI models, we have you covered to enhance your own insights or streamline your business processes.